Let’s understand KYC And AML In Regards To Gambling?

Know Your Customer:

Anti-Money Laundering:

One of the sectors that financial criminals see as a target for money laundering and terrorist financing is the Gaming and Gambling industry. Money laundering techniques are used to convert funds from criminal activities into legal money in the Gaming and Gambling industry. Gaming and gambling businesses have specific responsibilities to prevent these crimes.

We as a responsible organization take utmost care in protecting our customers from such financial crimes. In addition to the regulations, We have a comprehensive AML Compliance Program suitable for its business.

**To protect the funds of our Customers and ensure compliance with international trade standards, we operate exclusively in accordance with the laws on combating money laundering and countering the financing of terrorism and criminal activities. This Policy aims to comply with the rules and guidance’s contained in the following laws, namely the National Ordinance Penalization of Money Laundering (NOPML), the National Ordinance on the Reporting of Unusual Transactions (NORUT0), the National Ordinance on Identification of clients when Rendering Services (NOIS), Directive (EU) 2018/843 and the FATF recommendations.

**To monitor in accordance with the legal requirements, the Company has established a Compliance Department that develops Anti-money laundering measures and Know Your Customer procedures (AML / KYC), which are obligatory for all employees of the Company. The Department also determines the policy of engagement with those registered and holding accounts (hereinafter – “the Customers”) on the Company website (hereinafter – “the Website”).

**We are not obliged to inform Customers or other individuals about measures taken to counter the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and terrorist financing. Exceptions could be the following: when informing Customers about the suspension of a particular service, the refusal to carry out a Customer’s request or open an account, and when requesting documents from the Customer.

This anti-money laundering policy is an integral part of the Customer Agreement governing the terms by which the Customer opens an account on the Website. KYC